A Winkle in Time

{August 31, 2009}   Flora Needs to Read

I ordered something for my dollhouse a while back and was all excited to get home from work and open it! I never get mail address to me that isn’t bills or what have you! So KNOWING a little box was going to be arriving just for me had me all a tingle. My husband called me from home to tell me my package had arrived in the mail while he was home from work (oops got busted on that one!). I looked forward to it for the rest of the day! I walked in and went in search of my box and look what I found!

Flora finds her "stuff"

Flora finds her "stuff"

You can’t see it very well beause when she noticed me she tried to rush around and stuff everything back in and it blurred the picture. If you look closely, there is a wreath on her head, a wand in her hand and a bottle of fairy dust laying to the side. Right in front of her is an adorable book on a podium all about dragonflies (the house IS Dragonfly Manor after all)! I have no clue where Inferno is, he must have gotten burried in the paper that was in the box! Naughty Flora! Guess we are going to have to introduce her to “Hooked on Phonics” and teach her how to read her name! I sent her scampering off with the new “pretties” as she likes to call them and got back to work on my dollhouse. The last you saw of it, there was a light coating of “stucco” on it. I decided it was too thick and I didn’t really like it so I scraped it all off and tried again with a different product. Here is the result.

Stucco take 2

Stucco take 2

I got brave and applied it to the whole house. It has been put on, dabbed with a brush, the points kocked down and I started painting it. I have one whole side and most of the front painted purple now. I will show you pictures of that later. I am really excited to see it going together. The other colors are going to stand out well I think!

Before I leave, I thought I would post a picture of something non doll house related. Here are a couple of my clay creations. Santa Baby and Bunny are the only two remaining clay creations I have that have survived. I had two crawling babies at one point but they got broken during a move.

Clay Creations
Clay Creations

I hope you have enjoyed today’s update of the dollhouse! Stay tuned for more!

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