A Winkle in Time

{November 16, 2009}   Daydreaming

I do not have pictures to update DragonFly Manor’s blog with because I have been lax and not working on her as much as I should. I have made progress, but I forgot to take photos of the steps for most of it! Shame on me! 🙂


Today, instead of posting the boring details about DF Manor without all the cool pictures, I will post my new dream house!

I walked into Hobby Lobby to gaze up at the houses they have on display and right there in the very middle was a BRAND NEW HOUSE! I was in love the moment I saw her! I have to have her!

Dream House


Isn’t she just beautiful?! She is called the Painted Lady like in San Fransisco. I am not thrilled about the colors they used for the display, but those can always be changed, just look at DF Manor! I am not sure who will live here yet or what the house will end up being, but I am sure crossing fingers I get her for Christmas (hint hint DH!).

I promise to go home and snap a few more pictures and start posting them into the blog! Until then, enjoy the picture I just posted and feel free to reread the blog entries! 😉

et cetera